I've been wanting to do a Loli post on my blog. I know there are ALOT of cute little loli's around. Most of them hang out at NCI Kuula and are good friends with me. They are a fun bunch and AWFUL stylish. One of the Lolis is Elda. My very good friend who helped me get the great land my store is on in Redux NW. It was her RL B-day, so I decided I should blog something Elda would wear.
We went back to the Doll Mall that we visited before.. Victorianna's Boutique: Royal Doll Mall In Hogback. I saw these cute loli dresses on the wall and BOOM. A Blog post was born.
+F+ has a great sense of Loli style and some great Loli prices!
I'm on the left, in a cool Loli shape that I got from NCI's freebie wall. I'm wearing +F+ Pinkand Black. For a COOL $200L I got top, pants, gloves, socks and a flexi prim skirt. LOVE IT! Love the bell sleeves and the striped socks. These might get worn at other times too. They are no transfer, but copy.
Elda, dear Elda, is on the right, wearing +F+ Marron Cream. It also was $200L and included jacket, shirt, skirt, socks, undies,prim ribbon, prim sleeves and prim skirt. Wow! It was transfer, no copy. Love the split skirt and all the little prim details.
Now you MAY have noticed I'm wearing a wind up doll key. My little Neko Loli friend Nekow42 makes these wonderful keys and sells them above my store. I think they are totally adorable. Here are the instructions that pop up when you wear them.
Say /8 interval to set the interval in seconds. For example, /8 300 would make it wind down every 300 seconds. This will take effect after then next key-click
It's really cute how it will say in open chat, SoanSo has wound down and you slump over til someone clicks your key and "winds" you up. The keys range from $10 to $60L. Not bad! they are no transfer so IM Nekow42 Zarf if you want to gift them here is a SLurl to her spot in my store